
The rabbit

The moon is shining over the field,A little breeze is blowing,
The radish leaves are crisp and green,
The lettuces are growing.

The owl is in the ivy-bush,
With both his eyes a-winking ;
The rabbit shakes his little tail,
And sits him down a-thinking--

"Oh ! where are all the dormice gone ?
And are the frogs a-vooing ?
Will no one come to play with me ?
What are they all a-doing ?"

Poor little rabbit, all alone,
Don't let the master meet you ;
He'll shoot you with his little gun,
And merrily he'll eat you !

I had a little pig

I had a little pig,
I fed him in a through,
he got so fat
and his tail dropped off.

So I got me a hammer,
I got me a nail,
and I made my little pig,
a brand new tail.

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